On Ground: Make the Objects touch the ground (bottom on ground). Click: World (0,0,0): Takes the selected obj in the center of the scene. Middle Click: Last button from the menu (do last).Ĭonvert selection to an EditablePoly object. Offset Instances: Instace selection on an axis. Inbetween Instances: Instance the first selected object between 2 or multiple selected objects OR Instance the object on a spline (first select the object then the spline). Shuffle: Change selected objects between them. Referance Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with an referance of the first object. Instance Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with an instance of the first object. Copy Replace: Quickly Replace selected objects with a copy of the first object. Reset XForm + FlipN: Reset XForm then convert to Editable Poly with Fliped Normals. Right Click: Reset XForm: Reset XForm then convert to Editable Poly. (It will auto disable Isoline Display on objects with TurboSmooth) +Ctrl: Convert selection to Editable Poly then move to the center of the scene! +Alt: Deselect Object, even if in sub object level. Click: Convert selection to Editable Poly. Convert selection to an EditablePoly object.